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Emergency C-Section - 8 Quick Tips Before Rolling to the Operating Room.

Jordan Quinn

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

The quick briefing we wish someone had told us right before to make the unknown less scary.

1. When they increase the numbing, you may feel nauseous. This is normal.

This is a result of the medication and it happens often. If you feel nausea rising, just tell them and they'll either grab a bucket or they can push medicine through your IV that helps. Many people throw up once and feel better.

2. You may get the shakes - this is also totally normal.

Some say it is from the medicine, others say its from the adrenaline. Either way, just know it doesn't mean something's going wrong. Some say that if you don't resist the shaking it stops faster. Or, maybe try to flip the narrative as your body being giddy to meet the baby. Whatever helps, but yes, it's normal.

3. The anesthesiologist is your new go-to person. Talk to them, tell them how you're feeling.

Ask questions. Tell them what parts you want to tune in for (e.g. a play-by-play of what's happening or if you want to try to zone out and just know when the baby is about to emerge). And then just focus on your breathing and settling into a good headspace. They'll be by your head the whole time so they can answer any questions as they come up.

4. A phrase to repeat can help keep you calm and present. Here's a few that could help:

  • I am giving my baby their safest birth.

  • We are surrounded by people caring for us.

  • Every breath brings me closer to meeting baby.

  • I breathe in strength, I breathe out calm.

5. You may feel pressure on your abdomen/ribs as they push the baby out. This is normal, it can be intense, but is often brief (like a minute).

You've reached the final step before your baby is born! You may feel it more with an epidural than a spinal. Not something to fear at all, but helpful to just be aware of so it's not a surprise and to know it's over quickly :)

6. Tell them if you want skin-to-skin time.

Some hospitals offer it in the operating room, others have you wait until the recovery room. But let them know it is a priority and they will let you know your options.

  • As soon as the baby has been fully checked out, they can bring them over to you to meet and cuddle while they finish stitching up. 

  • Skin-to-skin cuddles may also help calm your shakes and offers an adorable distraction -- even if your partner is just holding them up against your cheek.

  • If you're not feeling up for it in that moment, your partner can also do skin to skin cuddles :) 

7. This is a very safe surgery. They do it all the time.

You are in the right place with the right people. They are prepared for anything that could come up. Your only job right now is to focus on relaxing and the excitement of meeting your baby very soon!

8. This is giving birth.

Giving birth is granting passage. You are giving your baby a gift in this moment and this is a brave act of love (no matter how you are feeling right now). You may have a lot of feelings afterwards -- talking about it is a powerful healer for these big life experiences.

And, if no one else has said it, we are proud of you. We have been where you are and know how it feels. And all we see from this side of it is beautiful strength no matter how you show up to it. Now go meet your baby :)

Let's make it better. 


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